
-We specifically selected actors from our local neigbourhoods in order to give a stereotypical representation of both Age, Gender, Ethnicity and Class.
- In the complete product, the audience may find pleasure by seeing themselves within the film, especially those from a less commonly presented ethnicity within the romance genre such as British Africans.
- This further created a multicultural London-breaking barriers that previous films hadn't passed when presenting the diversity within the city.

- Our characters also helped us to appeal to the audience by presenting a variety of character types
- The mix of backgrounds and views of society helped to appeal to a larger variety of people.
- With a female protagonist, our film also attracted females, who could relate to Melissa's character and the situations she is put in, as well as using her as an escape from their own lives.
-Similarly, males could relate to Clem's character, as an adventurous teenager, he creates both excitement for those who can relate to him, and is also appealing to girls who enjoy the male heroes in films.
- One of our key strengths was certainly our use of recognisable London locations

-These enabled us to successfully suspend the disbelief of the audience and present a situation which they, especially a local audience, could relate to.
- This also highlights how we confrmed to expectations- specifically choosing a familiar estate backdrop in order to signpost the genre and themes of the film to the viewers.
- By including surprising twists and enigma codes in our opening, we successfully alluded to the theme of love, and as the film progresses, its dangers
-The use of slang also effectively addressed the British youth, creating a realistic image of their everyday lives
slang phones hugs
- The primary teen audience could further relate to our presentation of the awkwardness of love, and the relevant themes of relationships and burning desire.
Furthermore, by applying the uses and gratifications theory, our film addressed the audience in the following ways:
In order to assess whether targeting our audience had been successful, I created a survey on in order to gain feedback on the film, its viewers, their film preferences and demographics:
This screenshot shows that the majority of the viewers of our opening were male- twice as many as females.
This survey result shows that our actual genre- British urban drama, wasn't fully recognized, therefore it suggests that the genre isn't clear enough within the opening.
However, this result suggests that our trailer did attract the audience- by drawing them in using the action and narrative, they were made to want to continue watching.
Overall, the results from my survey both conclude that we successfully targeted and attracted our target audience with our product, and that overall, the opening was successful at fulfilling its purpose.
In order to assess how we appealed to the audience on a more personal scale, I used review sessions with members of our core target audience to assess their personal view of the opening:
What did you like about the opening?
I liked the structure of the opening and the way that the story unfolds through the two paths as the characters meet for the first time, and the emotions presented in the meeting of the boy and girl.
How did it appeal to you?
Personally, I enjoyed the opening because I found the story believable and realistic, and i could relate to both the girls friendship and the awkward interaction between the boy and girl,
What didn't you like?
I didn't like how we weren't really introduced to the male character- he doesn't speak and we only see him skating away, so he seems mysterious and unimportant , yet he eventually becomes a key character.
How could it be improved?
The worst thing about the opening was the quality of sound- especially during the girls conversation- this could be improved to make the dialogue easier to follow and improve the flow of the sequence.
What did you like about the opening?
I liked how the camera followed the boy on his skateboard as he traveled through the area, this made the sequence more exciting and i felt involved in the action, knowing that the two characters would meet.
How did it appeal to you?
he setting and background of the film is very similar to my area in North-London, I could imagine the story occurring where I live and felt involved in it, and I also liked seeing the outsiders perspective of urban living.
What didn't you like?
The cutting between the girls on the estate and the boy skating through a more rural area with long roads confused me and i wasn't sure how far away the boy and girl were from each or whether they would meet- this was less realistic.
How could it be improved?
This screenshot shows that the majority of the viewers of our opening were male- twice as many as females.
This survey result shows that our actual genre- British urban drama, wasn't fully recognized, therefore it suggests that the genre isn't clear enough within the opening.
However, this result suggests that our trailer did attract the audience- by drawing them in using the action and narrative, they were made to want to continue watching.
Overall, the results from my survey both conclude that we successfully targeted and attracted our target audience with our product, and that overall, the opening was successful at fulfilling its purpose.
In order to assess how we appealed to the audience on a more personal scale, I used review sessions with members of our core target audience to assess their personal view of the opening:
What did you like about the opening?
I liked the structure of the opening and the way that the story unfolds through the two paths as the characters meet for the first time, and the emotions presented in the meeting of the boy and girl.
How did it appeal to you?
Personally, I enjoyed the opening because I found the story believable and realistic, and i could relate to both the girls friendship and the awkward interaction between the boy and girl,
What didn't you like?
I didn't like how we weren't really introduced to the male character- he doesn't speak and we only see him skating away, so he seems mysterious and unimportant , yet he eventually becomes a key character.
How could it be improved?
The worst thing about the opening was the quality of sound- especially during the girls conversation- this could be improved to make the dialogue easier to follow and improve the flow of the sequence.
What did you like about the opening?
I liked how the camera followed the boy on his skateboard as he traveled through the area, this made the sequence more exciting and i felt involved in the action, knowing that the two characters would meet.
How did it appeal to you?
he setting and background of the film is very similar to my area in North-London, I could imagine the story occurring where I live and felt involved in it, and I also liked seeing the outsiders perspective of urban living.
What didn't you like?
The cutting between the girls on the estate and the boy skating through a more rural area with long roads confused me and i wasn't sure how far away the boy and girl were from each or whether they would meet- this was less realistic.
How could it be improved?
I think that the story would make more sense if the boy was shown with his friends in his environment as well, because then it would be clearer that he is a main character earlier on, and make it obvious that the film is about them equally.
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