The following Commentary highlights how we utilised certain technologies in order to aid the process of production :
Use of Hardware
Canon HV-30
- Easy to get to grips with- one push record
-Rechargable battery- charging quick and easy
-Good (HD) quality for such a small device
-Durable- gave opportunity for both tripod and freehand shooting
-Short battery life- had to change batteries and recharge
- Quality issues- not always full HD
-Hard to shoot steadily freehand- only one small hand strap
-Small device meant less protection against wind interference
Shotgun Mic
-Easy to use
-Highly effective- clearer dialogue and sound
-Often picked up unwanted sounds
-Often only made the wind interference worse
Go Pro Hero HD 3
I used youtube turorials in order to get to grips with the device and work out how we could the skateboarding scenes using it.
After learning how to record and how to set it up, i used the provided mounts and adhesive pads to attach it securely to the skateboard.
I now know that using the GoPro is actually very simple once you know how to control it, with just three buttns to control the device,
Furthermore, in hindsight, i would definitely take more time and precision when positioning the skatebioard onto the device in order to ensure that the shots recorder provided a clear and understandabke view of the sequence. This is due to the fact that i noticed at time the device began to shave and tilt, creating unporfessional, shaky footage. I would also advise others using a GoPro to ensure that they carry with them an extra battery pack, as the battery life on the device is exceptionally short.

- Before the preliminary task, the majority of our group had no previous experience with this editing software, however, our experience with the prelim helped to introduce us to it, but the main task required much more complex editing.
-My experience with the programme has taught me how to edit and rearrange a complex sequence on a timeline, and how to edit individual clips and wound within it.

- I now know that next time i use the programme, I should make sure to spend more time editing and adjusting the Sound Mix of a video sequence, as from the opening I noticed that sound issues have a great effect on the overall quality of the product.
- We used the project layout on premiere pro to provide a simple layout to place our non-linear sequence into.
-The software made it easy to create a sequence involving match on action as well as cross-cutting between the two separate characters sequences.
Our use of tools within the software is explained in the video at the top of the post.

- This enabled us to create a blanced sequence of graded shots where teh effects of procamp had been too aggressive in certain places
-It was easy to use and only necessary on a couple of the shots.
-Finding and importing music into the project for use within the sequence was a relatively easy task due to the easy availabiltity to acess royalty free music on the internet.
-We downloaded our music from the social music networking site Soundcloud, where an artist had put their music up for free download.
- We also used the basic features of the mac application Livetype to create titles for our opening
- However, as we wanted to keep titles minimal, we only used it to select our font and sizing and positioning of the text.
-This was a difficulty for us as often the text did not align to where we had proposed for it to go when we created it in live type. For this reason I would only recommend this procedure to those who want grand effects and motion in their titles.
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