Film Opening

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

As an urban drama, the primary audience for our film are 16-24 year old Brits, who can identify both the setting and also the character types within the film, the are fans of similar TV Dramas and British Indepepndednt mofilms, and as teenagers they like to be shown drama and controversy. They are also the most likely to understnd and relte to the slang and urban settings within the film.

Primary Audience:  

Secondary Audience: 
Audience Profile:

Age: 24-35

Interests: As Adults, this audience are interested in building up their own lives- a house/ family, and are settled into their working life. They will watch the fi

Media Usage: This audience will most likely use the film as a way of exploring the city and the urban culture, also using it as entertainment and escape.

Media Viewing: Most Likely to view the film on the internet/ stream via their phone/ tablet

Interested in films such as: Fishtank(2009), Sket(2011) 

Tertiary Audience: 
Audience Profile:

Age: 36+

Interests: Sports, spending time in their city(London), watching relevant TV dramas and urban films, also like spending time with girls/ other men.

Media Usage:  As adults, the audience will use the film as a way of remembering their own childhoods, perhaps they grew up in a similar inner-city environment- this provides nostalgia for them

Media Viewing: Most Likely to view the in the cinema with their partner/ friends- least likely group to pirate/ illegally stream our film.

Lorraine Burroughs and Ashley Walters in Top Boy
Dushane and Rihanna from Channel 4's Top Boy
Interested in films such as: 

Top Boy (TV Drama) - related themes or urban setting, black and white characters, conflict and love.

Specifically, in series 2 episode 4, we are presented with unexpected love between black gangster Dushane and middle class solicitor Rihanna- similar to unconventional relationship presented within our opening

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