Film Opening

Saturday, 22 March 2014

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

Attracting the audience

This Prezi provides an in-depth explanation of how we attracted our target audience, in conformance with Katz and Blumler Uses and Gratifications Theory:

Addressing the audience

We collaboratively created a survey on Survey Monkey to acquire feedback about the film and what/who it represents. Here is the survey:

Here are some useful responses:

All participants are within the age boundaries of our target audience

All participants are from the UK

However, there was mixture of responses in regards to what genre they would classify the film as. This suggests that the film may be lacking some genre specific conventions. However, I believe it's simply because all of the possible answers are fairly similar.

Regardless of previous answers, thankfully every single participant would be interested in watching the film. This is exactly what we were hoping for.


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