Film Opening

Sunday, 23 March 2014

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I feel like my knowledge has grown in many ways during this project, I learnt some new techniques on how to use some of the hardware and I used a Go-Pro for the first time. I feel like I learnt a lot of valuable knowledge about using software i.e. how to use it, how much time and effort really goes into editing.
It was interesting to see how we each had a particular strong point, I felt mine was colour grading.

Commentary on use of technology in the main opening sequence:

Adobe Premier Pro
Although I was introduced to it in the Preliminary Task, I had no real knowledge of how complex it could be until editing 'Growing Pains'
I found using it quite foreign at first but as I got the hang of it, it became quite simple.
I learnt how to colour grade using the ProCamp tool which was a process I wasn't really even aware of prior to the process. It allowed us to make our film look more gritty.
The Colour Correction tool was also useful as it helped us soften any harsh effects created with the ProCamp tool.
I didn't get as stuck into sound mixing because there were some quite complex issues which couldn't be fixed in places such as the conversation, so after exploring it slightly, I thought it was best to avoid making it any worse.
It was also very easy to download the royalty-free track below and import it onto another Audio Track on Premier Pro to edit into our sequence

This is the track we used, the artist shared it on 'Soundcloud.'

Overall, I would recommend this software as it provided a very clear visual layout which made it easy to cut and rearrange our non-linear sequence.

[Logo Live type[3].png]

Live Type

Using the programme 'Live Type'on Mac we created our titles.
We initially thought this was going to be quite easy as we had simple, same size, same colour fonts throughout.
However, we found synchronising the titles with where we wanted them in the opening quite difficult, having to frequently change and edit them.

Exploring this programme before creating our titles did allow me to conclude that it would be worth the hassle when creating extravagant fonts for action films, but for an indie film where the focus is on the story not so much the effects - it was unnecessary.

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